North Star Havanese Puppy Contract
(This is a legal binding contract-seek advice if you do not understand any portion herein)
BUYER’S NAME: __________________________________________PHONE:_______________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________
CITY: ______________________________________PROVINCE:_______________POSTAL:______________
EMAIL ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________
For the purchase of the following puppy:
DATE OF BIRTH: ________________________________________
COLOUR: ________________________________________________
BREED: __________________________________________________
MICROCHIP: ___________________________________________
This puppy is being purchased for: PET___ BREEDING___
(PET with buyer obligation to spay/neuter by the age of 12 months)
for the price of:
$___________________puppy price $___________________ deposit
A non-refundable deposit of $____________ is hereby made and the cash balance is due to Seller before this dog is placed in the Buyer’s possession. Deposit may be used on a future litter if buyer changes their mind. The Buyer understands that once a deposit is made, it is a commitment to buy said dog and is therefore NON-REFUNDABLE but transferable to a puppy in a future litter if desired. Deposits are transferrable for 10 years. Seller accepts cash or funds via email money transfer.
It is hereby agreed by both parties that the following conditions will be met and that no other warranties or conditions are expressed or implied.
Puppy purchased as a PET is sold under agreement that the new owner will restrict from breeding their pet. Your puppy has been sold and intended for pet only. Any violations of this agreement will constitute a fine of $10 000.00 paid to the breeder for each breach by accident or on purpose.
Buyer agrees to continue with proper vaccines and de-worming.
Seller certifies that said puppy is in good health to the best of Seller's knowledge.
If upon examination the veterinarian finds that said puppy is not in a good health and is unable to be medically treated, the Buyer must notify the Seller within 24 hours. Buyer shall return the puppy to the Seller with all of the veterinarian documentation and registration paperwork. Seller shall replace said puppy with another puppy of equal value as soon as one is available or refund the adoption cost, at discretion of the Seller. Buyer is responsible for all shipping and transportation costs. Seller has no obligation to reimburse Buyer for any costs incurred, i.e., medical, shipping, crate, ect.
​Seller does not Guarantee against conditions brought on by stress or environmental changes that we cannot control once the puppy leaves our care; therefore our guarantee does not cover any contagious disease that can be contracted, including hypoglycemia, parasites, giardia, viral or bacterial infections, against parvo, coccidiosis, distemper or corona virus, any kind of skin allergies and Seller makes no guarantee as to puppy's fertility or breeding abilities. Breeder cannot guarantee exact size, ear type, or coat type.
​If after adoption, any person suffers from allergies, attributed to the new puppy, Seller has no obligation to reimburse Buyer for any cost. It is under Sellers discretion what action can be taken at that time.
​At the expense of the BUYER, this dog will be examined by a licensed veterinarian at a wellness check within 7 DAYS of possession date to validate Health Guarantee. At the veterinarian a stool sample must be submitted to test for common parasites including (coccidia and giardia).
*The owner will conduct and consult their veterinarian in regards to the puppy’s health, and conduct any necessary tests, at their expense. The Seller will not offer refund or replacement of puppy should the tests reveal minor defects: loose hips, any kind of skin allergies, elongated palate, uneven bites, undescended testicles, thyroid dysfunction, autoimmune disorders, low grade heart murmur.
Should puppy die from communicable disease (this does not include parasites or hypoglycemia) within 7 days of purchase and buyer promptly sought treatment by certified veterinarian, and if said vet certifies in writing that the pup was thought to have been exposed to the disease prior to leaving our home, buyer will get FULL refund of PURCHASE PRICE of puppy or replacement puppy of equal or greater value as determined by the seller within 90 days of certification of death (or autopsy report, whichever comes last). Buyer must send certification (autopsy required only if vet is unsure of actual cause of death) to Seller within 6 weeks of pup’s death.
If the puppy has a life threatening genetic defect detected by a licensed veterinarian within 2 years (guarantee ends when pup turns 2 year old) a full refund will be made or another dog of equal value, the choice to be determined by Seller. Buyer must return puppy (at buyer’s expense) and puppy’s paperwork to the Seller within 1 month of the exam that detected the defect before replacement will be made. Seller must also have a letter from that veterinarian with his address, telephone and the defect detected before any replacement puppy is given. If the Buyer refused to return this puppy for a replacement puppy then this guarantee is null and void.
THE PUPPY MUST BE SPAYED/NEUTERED BY THE AGE OF 12 MONTHS or this guarantee is null and void.
1. If this puppy is found to be neglected, buyer will surrender said puppy to Seller, unconditionally.
2. This puppy /dog will never be used for the purpose of fighting or any other sport detrimental to the breed and its reputation.
3. Notification will be given before transfer of ownership of this dog. If at any time during this dog life the Buyer Decides to sell or give away, the Buyer agrees to notify the Seller and give Seller first right of refusal, the Seller will have the first opportunity to regain ownership of the puppy/dog or help to rehome. Seller is not obligated to refund any portion of the purchase price.
4. Under no circumstances is this puppy/dog to be sold, leased or given away to a Pet Store, Laboratory, Research Facility, Animal Shelter, Kennel or Puppy Mill. Buyer agrees they are not acting as a buying agent for a third party including a pet store or commercial kennel or puppy mill.
5. Under no circumstances is this puppy/dog to be kept in a kennel operation or to be used in a Puppy Mill.
6. If Seller finds, in their opinion, Buyer may not be able to provide adequate care for the puppy/dog will be returned to Seller, deposit will be refunded and contract will be null and void.
7. The Buyer agrees to maintain preventative care of the puppy in regards to hip and elbow HEALTH: Such as proper nutrition, proper exercise and preventing stress injuries.
8. This puppy/dog will be provide with high quality puppy/adult dog food, fresh water, veterinary care, proper shelter from heat and in cold, active companionship, training and socialization. Ample quality time will be given to this puppy/dog. Buyer has been made aware that this puppy is a living being and agrees to treat as a valued family member.
9. This puppy is sold with the understanding that it is to go to a select home to be socialized properly and become a family member.
Breeder reserves the right to refuse sale of puppy, at any time with any reason. In this case deposit will be refunded in full immediately.
SELLER SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________________________
BUYER(s) SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________________
DATE _________________________________________________________________